'V' or 'L' in name
- 名前に'V'か'L'が含まれるCrusader
- Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage:Tier3 "Experiments in e.V.i.L."で指定
"Experiments in e.V.i.L."ではNate Dradonも含まれる
Slot:01 |
Warwick the Warlock |
Graham the Driver |
Slisiblyp, the Alien Scientist |
Slot:02 |
Jim the Lumberjack |
Pilot Pam |
Veronica, the Android Archer |
Slot:03 |
Emo Werewolf |
Sally the Succubus |
Slot:04 |
Groklok the Orc |
Danni the Daring Damsel |
Slot:05 |
Kyle the Party Bro |
Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul |
Slot:06 |
Detective Kaine |
Larry the Leprechaun |
Slot:07 |
Baenarall, Angel of Hope |
Willy the Weregoat |
Slot:08 |
Natalie Dragon |
Jack O'Lantern |
President Billy Smithsonian |
Karl the Kicker |
Slot:09 |
Paul the Pilgrim |
Kathleen the Chaotic |
Slot:10 |
Artaxes, the Lion |
Drizzle the Dark Elf |
The Game Goblin |
Slot:11 |
The Half-Blood Elf |
Slot:12 |
The Dark Helper |
Red, the Ace Pilot |
Slot:13 |
Sarah, the Collector |
The Metal Soldierette |
Sjin the Builder |
Gemthel, the Gourmet |
Slot:14 |
Gold Panda |
Leerion, the Royal Dwarf |
The Goldhound |
Slot:15 |
Prince Sal, the Merman |
Princess Val the Mermaid |
Penny the Park Planner |
Slot:16 |
Alan the ArchAngel |
Slot:17 |
King Reginald IV |
Squiggles the Clown |
Slot:18 |
Thalia, the Thunder King |
Littlefoot |
Slot:19 |
The Bat Billionaire |
Petra the Pilgrim |
Polly the Parrot |
Skeletom |
Slot:20 |
Kizlblyp, the Alien Traitor |
RoboRudolph |
Milgrid the Mining Mage |
Dr. Almquist, Tusk Specialist |
Slot:21 |
Gloria, the Good Witch |
Holddoor |
Adina the Wonderful |
Slot:22 |
Ilsa, the Insane Wizard |
The Evanescent |
Odile, Snowflake Defender |
Slot:23 |
Greyskull the Pirate |
Eiralon, the Blood Mage |
Mycall the Mushroom |
Slot:24 |
Koivu the Dryad |
Xochitl, La Llorona |
Slot:25 |
First Lady Betty Smithsonian |
Zoraeban, Demonic Angel |
Slot:26 |
Viktor the Vampire |
The Holy Guardian |
Dr. Evil, PhD |
Nargulg Granitehand |
Slot:27 |
Rosie the Rocklechaun |
Slot:28 |
Rex the Wrestler |
The Wolf King |
Langley the Conductor |
Slot:29 |
Sashimi the Seal |
Arenvarr the Beheaded |
Marzimallow, The Delicious |
Slot:30 |
Wrena the Fair (The Foul Skin) |
Deathpuddle |
Gwendolyn, Daughter of Night |
Slot:31 |
Xygallix |
Alacrity the Matchmaker |
Urusla the Busy Bee |
Slot:32 |
Aphelion the Distant |
Slot:34 |
Garnet, Enchantress of Luck |
Slot:35 |
Hildr the Gym Teacher |
The Alluring Viragallant |
Umut, the Elemental Chimera |
Slot:36 |
Mogra, the Ring Leader |
Pascal, Highest Bidder Mascot |
Qadir of House Tintahal |
Kaala Rigel |
Slot:37 |
Zuczek the Fire-Blooded |
Slot:38 |
Matt Spacewalker |
Ligeia, the Lyrical Siren |
Slot:39 |
Erabelle, Tisseuse de Nuit |
Slot:40 |
TUR7L3 |