×This pierced earring~答えcost me 300 yen
(The most excellent)~答えどんな優秀な人でも
~comes to the opening~答えWhoever
~novel you choose~答えwhichever
~me,she turned~答えOn seeing
~hearing his name,~答えOn
~I pursue~答えthe more
~what you have~答えNot saying
~is too boring~答えNot going out all day long
~is to say~答えTo promise
~,something is not~答えto be honest
~examas and ~答えwhat with
~that you won't~答えyou have heard
~you enjoy this game~答えHowever much
A:~? In New York?答えWhere was this picture taken
At that time~答えto sentimentalize
A:Can I open the window~答えWhy not?
A:Do you wanna go~答えthe other girl wants to
A:Don't you know~答えyes,of coures I know
A:tell me~答えwhen
A:They say she is~答えOh really,is she?
A:All you want~答えhope you to
A few of elites~答えthe others
A new software~答えhas been
As the interviewees~答えwhere
Always keep this in~答えWherecver
Although he made a sequence~答えturned out
Despite the little~答えproven
Do you think~答えworth
E-mail me~答えwhenever
FreCre restaurant~a variety答え,which serves
Flying with LCC can~答えsave us
Hideo and Eiko discussed~答えhow
He left the car~答えas
He is~答えas optimisyic
He found~答えit no use
He will soon~答えcome to understand
He~a computer,so答えis used to using
He~up all~答えtried to gather
How come~like答えhe needed to blame her
He denied~答えhaving stolen
He is such a~答えwithout
I can~read答えnever
I expect~答えthere to be
I never mind~答えbeing spoken
I surely will~答えhas been over
In order to~答えlike
I'm going to<>~答えcontinue to work
I've decided ~答えnot to use magic to win
I~trample on~答えknow better than to
It appears~to be答えto be proven
It's easy to~答えstop smoking
It is no use~to me答えtrying to apollogize
It is no use~how答え
knowingIt is not good to~答えpretend to be nice
It must be impossible~答えfor
I'm spending a few~答えwhere
I~this,but your答えreally regret to say
I hate making friends~答えI
I don't feel like~答えgoing to
I feel~when I meet an答えawkwardest
I saw the suspect~答えwander
I remembered that I~答えhad met
I respect her,but~答えthe other
I regretted ~答えhaving ordered
Internet connection of~答えis to be cut off
I~with him~答えtried negotiating
I think his deed~答えdeserves punishing
I reallu loathe~答えhappen to
I was told~the答えto scan
I want to go the~答えin which she was born
I wonder if this~答えworth charging
In Japan,April is the~答えwhen
Last night,I~答えwent to
Loving someone is~答えforgiving
Make as many friends~答えso as not to
My belief is~答えcherishing
My pet is~答えthe prettier
My purpose of reading~答えto experience
Now,it's time to go~答えa bed
Nobody loves~答えbeing rebuked
On~home,the phone rang答えcoming
Owners are to dogs~答えwhat
Our boss never~答えbeing shown
Our project~答えneeds rethinking
Sorry,it's still~答えisn't it
She encouraged him,~答え,彼が落ち込んでいたからだ。
She is~beautiful答えmore cute than
She is~woman I know答えas attractive as any
She said she didn't~答えwhich was a lie
she forgot~答えhaving been given
She will~my house答えbring her friends to
Today I Don't~答えfeel like doing
There is no~the答えbuying
There is no~for答えaccounting
This cake is delicious~答えanother
The binge drinking~答えcost
The comedian~for 24答えhad been running
The artist~答えcontinued
The death of his~答えmade him decide to be
The book~Yoshinobu答えsays
The exhibition~答えhas been
The reason~I didn't答えfor which
The Nobel Peace~答えwas given to
The man found~答えthinking
The meeting~答えis being
The movie,the~答えof which
The mechanism of~答えpermits
The speech~答えthat
The painting brush~答えwith which
The police found out~答えwhen
The police explained~答えwhy
The hotel room was~答えwhat is worse
The value of~答えsoaring
There were 3 apples~答えthe others
There are 2 types~答えhte other
These gifts~orphans答えwere sent to
This radio~答えneeds repairing
That elderly man is~答えwhat is called
That one word~him an答えcost
That haunted house is~答えnot so much scary as
Using LED lamps will~答えsave us
Washitsu is often used~答えwhere
We have to~答えall the more because
We have 3~答えanother
Why does~smiling at 答えher
Who could have~答え予想できただろうか
What~japan?答えbrought you to
What do you study~答えBecause I want to go abroad
What's she like?~答えwell,She is kind of sarcastic
When going to a~答えthan
What I underwent~答えceases
You can have~you答えwhichever
You can do~you答えwhatever
You can never be~答えtoo young or old to
You have to tell~答えwhy
You have to tell me~答えhow
You see these arrows~答えtell
You seem~something答えto be worrying
You should~答えavoid drinking